CEO Series: Scott Dorsey from ExactTarget

Written by
Peter Dunn

Whether you know it or not, I have a weekly radio show on 93 WIBC. This show discusses all things financial wellness, including your career. We've started a new monthly series on the show to help you think and dream bigger. It's called the CEO Series. Every month I'll interview a major CEO for an entire hour of the program. We'll talk about their early days, what mistakes they made, what risks they took, and much more.

When I decided to do the series the first who came to mind was the CEO of ExactTarget, Scott Dorsey. Scott is a brilliant leader, humble gentleman, and it turns out, a great interview. He is the CEO of a $1.5 billion SaaS company based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Here's a bit about ExactTarget (from their website).

More than a decade ago, Scott Dorsey, Chris Baggott, and Peter McCormick met to discuss the idea of helping businesses communicate with their customers using a medium called email. From this single idea grew ExactTarget—a global Software as a Service leader with more than 1,500 employees spanning four continents.

The same entrepreneurial spirit, innovative technology, and commitment to client success—fondly known as our Orange Culture—define us today as they did back then. And we're already revolutionizing the next generation of online interactive marketing by introducing a brand new category of software called the Interactive Marketing Hub™. The Hub is the first of its kind to offer true cross-channel interactive marketing, pairing the strength of email with emerging channels like social, mobile, and the web.

Below you will find my interview with Scott. I hope you enjoy listening to it. It's broken into four parts.

scott dorsey 1

scott dorsey 2

scott dorsey 3

scott dorsey 4

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